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Sources of Indian Constitution

Indian Constitution is unique in its content and spirit of Indian conditions. It is world’s lengthiest written constitution which is drawn from various sources.

The Sources of Indian Constitution
The Sources of Indian Constitution
SourcesFeatures Borrowed
Government of India Act, 1935Federal Scheme, Office of Governor, Judiciary, Public Service Commissions, Emergency Provisions and Administrative details.
British ConstitutionParliamentary government, Legislative procedure, Cabinet System, Parliamentary privileges, Bicameralism, Rule of Law, Single Citizenship and Prerogative writs.
US ConstitutionFundamental Rights, Independence of Judiciary, Judicial Review, Removal of Supreme Court and High Court Judges, Impeachment of the President and the post of Vice-President.
Irish ConstitutionDirective Principles of State Policy, Nomination of members to Rajya Sabha and Method of election of the President.
Canadian ConstitutionFederation with a strong centre, Vesting of Residuary Powers in the Centre, Appointment of State Governors by the Centre and Advisory Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
Australian ConstitutionConcurrent List, Freedom of Trade, Commerce and inter-course and Joint setting of two Houses of Parliament.
Weimar Constitution of GermanySuspension of Fundamental Rights during Emergency.
Soviet Constitution (USSR, now Russia)Fundamental Duties and the Ideal Justice (social, economic and political) in the Preamble.
French ConstitutionRepublic and the Ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in the Preamble.
South African ConstitutionProcedure for Amendment of the Constitution and Election of members of Rajya Sabha.
Japanese ConstitutionProcedure Established by Law.

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  3. Download NCERT Books For IAS PCS Exams
  4. National Flag and National Symbols

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